My Wedding

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Botanic Garden Singapore

Hi there,

Wah, about 2 weeks ago me and my hubby went to Botanic Garden Singapore..
Wow, so beautiful, really.. there was green everywhere and so many flowers..
And, the most important, it's free.

We went through the rain forest and came into Orchard Garden. But, when we wanted to come to the garden, we had to pay S$5 for each adult. hmm, that's okay, it's cheap..

And then, the garden was so beautiful inside.. many orchard, such as, tiger, moon orchard, and i dont even know what their names.. and with so many colours.. pink, yellow, red, purple.. everything..

the most excited was when we came into the cool house.. what was that? that was an air con inside the garden, wew great after we walk along the garden was hot. hehe..

this pic when i was walking the inside of the orchard garden.. yeahh!

okay, that's all i want to share with you.. you should visit it!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Here is my hubby
He is confused reading map..

men are also confusing reading direction :p

Tempat Sampah

Hi there,

wewww.. sudah tinggal di Singapore niy, di dalam sebuah flat sederhana yang penuh cinta ;)
hari ini tempat sampah di depan rumah sudah diambil lagi cama pemilik.. pemilik apa ya tau dah..

dan saya harus membuang sampah di bawah sink, wew tidak suka.. repot banget..
tapi tempat sampah di bawah sink masih ketutup selotip.. takut bukanya :p

ya sudahlah nunggu my hubby aja yg buka :D
